Girls Planet 999
Girls Planet 999: The Girls Saga (simply referred to as Girls Planet 999) is a 2021 South Korean reality competition show that premiered on Mnet on August 6, 2021.
The "planet" theme of the show is derived from a new collaboration between Mnet and NCSoft's new platform called UNIVERSE which is centered around K-pop. It will allow votes from other countries outside of the participating three,[d] and also hosts other promotional content for the show.
The show groups the girls into groups of 3 which are called "cells". An entire cell of girls could be eliminated all at once, hence increasing the risk of elimination. To counteract this, the "Planet Top 9" is introduced. Contestants who are selected or voted to be the Planet Top 9 (designated P1-P9) can reorganize cells to try and lower the chances of elimination. At the end of the competition, the top 9 most-voted contestants will debut regardless of nationality.