Set at a private high school, which is a hotbed of corruption. A beautiful story emerges between mathematics teacher and a genius mathematics student.
Ji Yoon-Soo (Lim Soo-Jung) is a mathematics teacher at a private high school. She is good-natured and also has a strong will to push forward, once her mind is is set. Ji Yoon-Soo is passionate about mathematics, who always palpitates in front of difficult math questions. She encourages her students to find their own answers and proofs for math questions. She becomes involved with Baek Seung-Yoo (Lee Do-Hyun).
Baek Seung-Yoo is a student at the private high where Ji Yoon-Soo teaches. He hardly talks, but he likes taking pictures with his DSLR camera. He doesn't have friends at school and his academic score ranks at the bottom, but he has a surprising past. When he was little, he won numerous mathematical olympiads. When he was 10, he entered MIT in the U.S., but he suddenly disappeared at the age of 12.